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Sally F. Barleycorn
I began my exploration into philosophy at the young age of 12, delving into the depths of the search for life's profound truths. Raised at the intersection of more than four cultures simultaneously, my perspective has always been shaped by the richness of diversity, propelling me to not confine myself to singular answers or universal truths. My approach has always been contextual, addressing each question with an open mind and a holistic view.
With a 15-year trajectory in the film & TV industry, the impact of the pandemic provided me with the opportunity to reignite my philosophical and investigative passion with greater intensity. I embarked on studies in Buddhist and Yogic philosophies, deepened my meditation practice, and acquired training as a guide. My ongoing quest for connections between different perspectives led me to explore how ancient wisdom intertwines with contemporary discoveries in neuroscience and quantum physics.
Guided by my mentors, I managed to merge abstract theories with everyday realities, translating philosophical concepts into lived experiences. My mission is to make ancestral wisdom accessible, blending it with the modern world and facilitating its practical application in daily life.